Twin Mum Hospital Bag... What was essential?

Twin Mum Hospital Bag... What was essential?

Ok, so step one, decide which hospital bag we're talking about here...

In my twin pregnancy there were two kinds... the one you pack for bringing two babies home and the kind you pack for the 300 overnight stays you're going to have during your pregnancy before you bring your babies home. 

So, essentially you're going to pack two! 

Top 10 Hospital Bag Essentials for 'MUM's overnight stay

1.A book or some form of entertainment. I had Netflix and sky-go on my phone and a book. If my eyes got bored of the screen a good book is always enjoyable. Headphones are a must as you'll be on a ward with other women and lets be honest, its annoying listening to something you're not watching... don't be that person. 

2. A long charging cable (3m) this gives you the flexibility to work around a very large mechanical bed and lots of machines. You can get these quite cheap off Amazon.

3. Personal Hygiene products - Tooth brush, tooth paste, shower gel, shampoo and conditioner, hair brush, lip balm (this is a must!!) I got super dry lips whilst pregnant and panty liners. Trust me you don't want any of these to be provided by the maturnity ward, as lovely as they are for helping you out the products are budget and will make you miss home that bit more!

4.Towel - For god sake don't ask your husband to pack your bag! I got a hand towel packed as my shower towel! i was 30 weeks pregnant with twins.. the hand towel barely covered one thigh!

5. Makeup - if you're that way inclined. If I'm honest, I was that fat and miserable the midwives were lucky if i got dressed and brushed my hair.. make up was a going home day vibe! 

6. Underwear - id pack a few, you don't know how long you're going to be there for but remember your partner or visitor can always bring more so I packed 4/5 pairs of knickers

7. Slippers - because who can be bothered to put shoes and socks onto fat swollen stubs that barely resemble feet anymore. 

8. Dressing Gown - so you can subtly hide the fact that you haven't got dressed all day!

9. Pyjamas - Make sure to pack a couple of pairs of pj's as you might require a second pair if waters start to leak. 

10. PILLOWS!!!! - take your V pillow, take your normal pillow and every other pillow you need to get comfy with a gigantic bump! The truth is, when you're in overnight they come and wake you about 50 times a night to do your observations and make sure you're not sleeping ok. So make sure that whilst they're not waking you up, you're comfy and able to sleep as best you can!

Now all of the above applies to your over night bag when you're going have the babies too but just be sure to pack a nightie.. PJs are good but regardless of whether or not its planned or emergency, if you have a C-Section, it best not to have a seam sat on the dressing. Also, you can choose to take Maternity pads but the ones the hospital provide are far superior to any you can buy on the high street, so my advice would be to have some ready for when you get home. 


Hospital Bag Essentials for 'Babies Arriving' 

The main thing about this is not to panic too much because the hospitals have everything you will actually need. so even if you forget something they will help!

1. Baby Grows & Vests - So from experience, pick a few different sized outfits and take ALL of them. My twins were supposedly 4lb-5lb  babies and needed preemie clothes. I had the most beautiful little outfits picked out and packed only to find out when the twins arrived that they were in fact 7lb babies and didn't fit any of my beautiful selection! So I donated all of my preemie clothes to the NICU unit and they (very kindly) lent me some bigger ones!

2. Nappies - The hospital will provide these but I didn't feel comfortable because I was using twice as much as any other person.. who's the idiot?

3. Matanium Cream - The Yellow one!! best cream I ever invested in during those early days. Bye bye nappy rash, hello healthy little bot bot with no soreness! 

4. Muslin Cloths - As sick, reflux and messy eating are a big thing when a baby is first born we wouldn't survive without those muslin cloths. Super soft against that new born sensitive skin, super absorbent and quick drying!

5. Feeding pillow - Whether its twins/multiples or aa single, a feeding pillow is a godsend. It'll either be there for those 3am feeds to hold your head up or it'll keep both babies in position whilst they feed... also they work wonders when you want to have a little snuggle time with all your babies at once!

6. You - In all honesty, apart from maybe the baby grows as number one the babies don't really NEED anything apart from you. Most hospitals provide blankets, nappies, cream, cotton wool, milk and disposable bottles and/or Breastpumps depending on how you're choosing to feed. So their main need is you. 

Make sure you have everything you need and they will be fine! When you get home... now that's a completely different matter! Where would you like me to start!

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