Useful Places to Find

Here are some places you might find useful...
Maternity grants, Facebook Groups, Instagram bloggers, what takes your fancy?
Those early days can be difficult as a new parent of multiples, even if you've had children prior to, EVEN if you've had multiples before; every pregnancy/child is different. 

Facebook Groups

Let us point you in the right direction for support, help, advice or amusement as some of these places will keep you sane with the amazing stories of flour cupboard invasions and pack attacks! Don't be on your own in this journey as we have all felt how isolating it can be when you have one baby never mind multiple!
- Twin Mums In The UK
- Breastfeeding Twins and Multiples UK
- Twins, Triplets, & Quads: Safe Sleep Training & Learning for Multiples
- Twin Parents in the UK

Instagram Account/ Hashtags to Follow

Do you use Instagram more than Facebook, here are a few people who might be able to inspire you, help with diastasis recti, or just another twin mum to fill your feed with twin baby pictures! Let us point you in the right direction.

Financial Aid

We all know the financial burden having a child can be. It may be that you saved up for one and found out you were having multiple, but lets be honest, you're never rich enough regardless of whether you're buying for one or 4!
Now, the amount your entitled to and what you're entitled to will change depending on your circumstances and we are only here to point you in the right direction, we cannot help with your application in any way or tell you what you're entitled to. However, below are some useful links to places where you can find advice and support with financing your new family. 
Sure Start Maternity Grant - £500 Per Child 
Child Benefit
Childcare Grant
Maternity Allowance
What about the bits we cant provide.. we still have good recommendations and we still want to share everything so that you can decide what you want..

Not enough seats in your current car?

Are you a parent or multiples, or multiple multiples!?
Having to upgrade your car in order to be able to fit all the children in can be an expensive upgrade. But we have found a better, cheaper solution. 
The 'Multimac'

Think we're missing something? Let us know, help us support more mums!